Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"How are you doing?"

So here's a quick overview because people ask how I'm doing. I'm doing really well, mostly. My PT is completely surprised every time she sees me, and I'm feeling really strong. In fact, I think I'm ahead of schedule in my PT plan. I can get out of bed by myself all the time, and into bed about 90% of the time. I could do it 100% of the time, but I think I'd be a little more sore more often. If I was allowed to, I'd start walking.

That's where things get tricky. I'm really frustrated because I'm getting bored quickly. I can't walk, but I feel pretty strong and want to start trying -- I'm about a month early for that, though. Even though I have friends and family coming to visit, I'm feeling incredibly Cabin-Fever'ed {did I just make that up?} and I'm not allowed to start venturing out for a week or so, because most people that have Total Hip Replacements would still be in rehab at this point.

I've weened down my pain medications and even had to remember to take them over two hours late yesterday, which is a great sign, but once again I find myself thinking "If I'm not taking two Percocets every 4 hours, I'm fine!"

I'm not sure what my point is, hahaha. I guess I'm doing really well, I feel like I could start going back to the gym if I was allowed. But, mentally, I'm ready for these months to be over. Alright, I am going to shower and pretend any of that made sense!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there girl, glad to hear you have energy to get up and get going. I can so relate to want to do better than the Dr's expect. You have to figure out what your pace is and not anyoe elses.Just make sure you allow yourself some down time to recoop.
    We are going to MD at the end of the week for a couple days to visit wth Vikki, Dan and the grandkids. Should be a boat load of fun can't wait to get my hands on some crabs.
    Take care, keep positive and banish all nasty nurses to the cleaning closet.
