Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Full Day Home!

It has been a really good day so far. I had a really great sleep and even though I woke up as stiff and sore as I have since the surgery, I think that's a good sign. My aunt, a physical therapist, said it's because I slept with all my muscles tensed, which is good in the end because even in my sleep, I am maintaining proper muscle formation.

The hip is still really sore after walking around and sitting up twice to have breakfast and lunch, but part of that is that we aren't on a strict medication schedule yet so I can easily miss a dose and take it a half hour later and not have noticed until the pain was really bad. It's something we'll work out soon enough though.

I have to say it's pretty funny how much energy the littlest things take. I woke up at 815ish. I went to the bathroom, ate some breakfast, did laying-in-bed exercises and then slept from 930a-1130a. Now I've had once piece of pizza and a 4oz yogurt for lunch, did standing-up exercises, and I'm already back in bed for a potential nap. I feel so silly, this isn't at all like me to sleep through the day and refuse an entire large pizza at once, but I know I'm supposed to be taking it easy! Hahaha, this might take my whole recovery to get used to!

Real PT (seeing as my mom doesn't have her license so she and I are only practicing) should be here at 4:30pm so I'll let you guys know how that goes!

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