Monday, April 13, 2009

Shipping up to Port, woaah ooohh whoaaa

I have offically been discharged and I'm already in the car with mom and Jays headed for home! For anyone keeping track (and I'm sure you all are) I've peed... twice! It's really big doings and the PT and OT people said i was way ahead of schedule so I'm really happy right now. More to come later or tomorrow if I pass out at 7pm again hahha :)


  1. Hi Laura. We am sooooooo happy that you are on your way home although not as happy as you. We am sure that you are home by this time. Hope the ride home was comfortable. You are in good hands and the rest of your recovery will go well. Will see you soon. We love you. XOXOXOX G&G

  2. You move fast... how do you keep up with yourself? Gosh, I wonder how someone can consider 12 hours of sleep a long time?!

    I think I'm going to sleep from 9PM -> 9AM, so I don't sleep thru any work hours tomorrow, but then again, I need a nap before I go get food, and need to get to the store to get dinner and breakfast, and lunch and dinner for tommorrow.

  3. woo hoo !!! i knew you could pee .. laura good girl ...i am thrilled that you can be at home ! tanks for the pix you look fabulous !!! xoxox auntie b
