Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day Two Finale

So I'm pretty exhausted, but I had a good day overall. I had PT twice, the 2nd time went a lot more smoothly, despite the fact that it hurt just as much.

My parents came & kept me updated about the Sox and Jays came too & played cards with me when I was able to stay awake.

I had another 'Standard' meal at lunch, and again at dinner, but M& got Jays & I some Chinese food (what, with my hospital being *in* Chinatown) so that was really nice.

Tomorrow they will [hopefully] take out my IV & catherter, which should make moving around a lot easier.

Thanks again for texts & calls, it has been wonderful to get this kind of support! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lovely lady!
    So you amaze me. I hope all is well and you don't go nutso in the hospital. It just took me like 10 hours (well not really) to sign up to post on this via dial up. AHHH. I am excited to come see you next weekend. If its going to be a burden though then let me know. I'm gald Jayson got you some "real" food. Tell him to answer his phone (for once) if Jp or I call so we could have at least directions on where to go! Stay stong my dear!
