Thursday, May 14, 2009

Graduation #1

Nicky graduated me yesterday!! I think the proper term would be "discharged" but I'm going to go with "graduated" because now I don't have to have visiting PT until my follow-up doctor appointment in 12 days. I did call my aunt Michele who is a PT to see if she could come down once or twice in the next two weeks until my appt. just so I have someone watching over me who knows what they're doing. If she can't come, it's not a big deal because Nicky says, as she's been saying all along, I am doing really well and I'll heal really well based on my progress so far. She was watching me walk and said I could "totally just drop those crutches to the ground and keep going" which gives me hope for when I see Dr. Smith that he'll tell me the same thing. I'll settle for going down to one crutch, but just walking out of the office without my crutches would be pretty sweet.

Also, tomorrow is five weeks. A lot of people have said, "wow, the hardest part is behind you!" And they are right as far as physically hard goes. I think the next two months will be much more mentally challenging. I had a lot to focus on physically (pain, trying to learn my PT) and was still bored for the first month, but now that I'm more mobile and still restricted, I can feel myself going more and more stir-crazy everyday. Friends that were visiting last night said Jayson and I should go to a party at their apartment this weekend. I still can't just go to an apartment, especially at a party where people would be drinking and could accidentally knock into me. It's just stressful with my 27th birthday coming up that I'm still feeling very confined to the house. Ok, I think I'm done complaining.Enjoy the sunshine everyone!

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