Friday, May 15, 2009

Five weeks!

Today is my five week anniversary. Nothing really big to report, except as someone pointed out, I'm doing really well and this is the point when I'll start cheating, which I have found myself doing already. So, that's something I need to start paying attention to immediately. I've had some great days of visitors, and there are more on their way right now, which is good because I do well when I'm kept busy.

Side note, these 70 degree days are something I could get used to, Coumadin and all :)

1 comment:

  1. That person who enlightened you about not pushing your limits even though you feel up to it sounds like an AMAZING person. It also sounds like they might be in a similar situation as you... Your doing great! So keep it up and crutch on!

    p.s Nice Scare!
