Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So I went camping this weekend. Jayson and I went up Saturday evening and met some of his family up there for his sister's birthday. It proved to be quite a challenge, as it was more difficult getting in and out of a tent and sleeping on an air mattress than I'd originally thought it would be. Walking through the woods was okay, but I'm still not that good (or steady) on un-even surfaces and I was pretty sore all weekend.

I'm getting frustrated because I'm still limping, and everyone asks why I'm limping and says something to the effect of "why are you still limping, I thought surgery was supposed to fix that." Well, it didn't, and I talked to Pete about it again today and we decided I should call and make an appointment with my surgeon just to double check and see if it's normal to be this sore this far out. This coming Friday will be 14 weeks, but I have to remember that I was on crutches for almost the first 7 weeks, so while they were being cautious, it's possible they kept me on them for too long and it's now setting my progress back. Or, not setting it back, just the reason why I'm so far behind in recovery.

That is all for now.


  1. I'm glad you're going in just to get it checked out. It can't hurt to have him reassure you that you're on the right track. I love you dearly, my sister.

  2. Did you take any pics?

  3. I didn't, but Jayson's sister and mother did. Maybe they'll be on Facebook soon? Not sure!

  4. can you still play baseball with a fake hip?

  5. ....I never could play baseball? I hate Anon comments because if anyone knew that I used to "play" softball in Worcester, they'd know not to ask because I was terrible at it!

    The answer is someday, but not for another 3 months, as I'm not supposed to twist and rotate. Also, I am terrible at batting. And catching...



  7. I don't know whose blog this is, but it sure is hip!

  8. My sister -- that wasn't me! (That "Karen" comment up above.)
