Saturday, April 25, 2009


Good morning everyone! To use the word Jayson's 80 year old grandmother uses (and then he teases me for using the same words as 80 year olds,) I'm feeling a little numb this morning -- and it's not in the sensation kind of way!

I've been at 164.0 pounds for a few days now, and I couldn't figure out why I hadn't lost any more weight because almost all of the swelling is gone. I decided to weigh myself without the crutches today... I know, I know. But in my defense, when I weighed myself when I came home, I was very unsteady and I needed to hold them in case I lost my balance. Then, every morning, I just did it the same way to have a consistent reading. Then, Wednesday when I woke up and weighed myself, Dad even pointed out, "you know you're weighing the crutches, too, right?" I knew, but I was keeping it consistent!

So this morning, when I thought, "you know, I can totally stand without these," I put them down. I now weigh 160! It's kind of funny, because that's where I normally am, and I should have figured this out DAYS ago, but I'll once again blame it on my half Percocet every 6 hours. Yeah, again, I know, I know, it's my fault. Hahaha. Anyway, I think the posts about my weight are now done! (Unless I gain another 20 pounds in 4 days, then I PROMISE I'll start them back up again hahaha!)

Here's to hoping everyone enjoys this sunshine today!!

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